October 20, 2014

beautiful savannah

This post has nothing to do with our house... just a quick update from me!

My husband and I went on vacation last week to Savannah, Georgia.  If Savannah were a person, she would be a beautiful, breathtaking, down-to-earth lady who loves to eat!

We had such a great time, I wish we could have stayed longer.  We will definitely be visiting again!  There were many places we didn't get to (read: food we didn't eat) so we just have to go back :)

Check out some of the photos I took during our visit...

Side note: photography is a recent hobby of mine.  I am very much an amateur, but it is fun for me.  My husband also took up a hobby when I started taking a lot of photos, it is called finding the nearest bench and waiting for "Photo Phil" to be finished taking pictures.

River Street

I just loved all of the moss hanging from the trees!

Old stairs so dangerous they have signs saying use them "at your own risk"

This entire month has been a little crazy for us.  My husband traveled out of the country for work the week before vacation.  He unpacked, repacked, and we drove to Savannah.  We got home late Friday evening and spent the entire weekend doing yard work.  This week we will be getting ready for our annual Halloween party!  (Look for a post soon with details about the decorations and food).  So be on the lookout for some new posts coming in November, including a post about homemade applesauce.  And just think, Christmas will be here before you know it!!

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